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usato Vestax PMC500 Mixer per DJ
Prezzo: | €650,00 IVA InclusaPagabili anche a rate Calcola la tua Rata |
Trasporto: | |
Marca: | |
Cod. Articolo: | 429531 |
Cod. Produttore: | PMC500 |
Disponibilità: | Disponibile IN NEGOZIO e ONLINE - evasione prevista 1 giorno |
Quantità: |
Feedback degli utenti
Purpose built as the audio solution for any installation environment Vestax PMC-500 is a comprehensive mixer engineered to the highest standards, refined to suit the style of a thousand genres and flexible enough to be used by anyone at anytime. No other solution is as complete.N.B. LINE 10 NON FUNZIONE